Thursday, October 29, 2015

INTERVIEW N˚2 | An Interview With Tiffany Ramirez

What is your name and what is your job?

Tiffany Ramirez and I am the corporate director of volunteer service for Citrus Health Valley Partners. So I oversee all the volunteer programs for the organization.

What would be your favorite thing about your job?

Favorite part of my job is being able to interact with the volunteers who are so passionate about giving back to their community hospitals.

If you were to give yourself when you first started, what would give yourself?

Wow, well that's a good question. What advice would I give myself when I first started? Maybe to take time to really enjoy the volunteers and not get so wrapped up in the office aspect or the clerical aspect but to really get to enjoy the friendships and the personalities they would have and get to know them as people because them as individuals is just a huge part of it and they are great people. I wish I would've, nine years ago, taken more time to really get to build those relationships instead of being so caught up in the paper part of it.

You work very closely with patient care related jobs.

Yes that is correct.

What are some tips you can give to a new hospital volunteer?

Definitely be assertive. Try to make yourself as useful as you can and really try and ask who you're working with "how can I help?" or "what can I do?" This would let the health care team know that you really want to make the effort to help out and that you really want to be there. Also, I believe you mentioned the main reason you wanted to volunteer is because you wanted experience in the field prior to studying it in college?

Yes, that is the main reason why, yes.

You know, and you want to really maximize the opportunity you have. If you have the advantage to be around the environment what could possibly be your future profession, try to really ask a lot of questions and really try to make the most out of the tasks you have been given as a student volunteer.

Is there anybody you would recommend for future interviews about patient care?

I would definitely say the nurses and doctors you have in your department. A lot of them have had been in this field for a few decades so they definitely would have a lot to say about your senior topic.

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