Friday, January 15, 2016

BLOG N˚14 | Interview N˚3 Preparation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  What is this person's area of expertise?

I plan to interview my grandmother, Cecilia Zafra, as she worked as a Registered Nurse for a couple decades after moving to the United States and spending years being an English professor in Asia. 

2.  Verify that you have called your interviewee to schedule an interview.  What is the date and time of the interview? 

I plan to meet Cecilia on Monday, January 18 at noon to interview her about my senior project.

3.  Phrase an open-ended question that will help you find research resources that would help to answer the EQ.

What personal aspects does effective communication bring to a health-care team?

4.  Phrase an open-ended question that will help you think about other useful activities you might do to help you answer the EQ (IC2, possible experts to talk to, etc).

Who is a possible expert I should ask about this topic of mine?
Healthcare has changed in the last few decades and will be constantly evolving as the times go on. Back then, was the aim of healthcare less patient-centered?

5.  Phrase two open-ended questions that help you to understand your interviewee's perspective on an aspect of your EQ. 

In your experience, how has teamwork really impacted the effectiveness of the quality of patient care?What do you think is the most vital component in delivering effective patient care?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

BLOG N˚12 | Holiday Project Update

1. It is important to consistently work on your senior project, whether it is break or we are at school. What did you do over the break with your senior project?

For almost the whole break, I was out of town so I wasn't able to attend mentorship at all this break! So while I was on the airplane, I listened to a podcast relating to my topic. The podcasts are by different medical teams around the nation who talk about various innovations in the field of patient care.

2. What was the most important thing you learned from what you did and why? What was the source of what you learned?

I've gathered a lot more information about modern technology in the medical field and how to effectively deliver patient-centered care. It was much like doing research checks at school, except in the form of a podcast. One consistent thing that is prevalent in every research article I've read or every podcast I listened to was that in order to deliver effective patient care and establish a physician-patient relationship, there has to be constant and effective communication between the medical team and the patient.

3. Your third interview will be a ten question interview related to possible answers for your EQ. What do you plan to talk to and why?

I am hoping to interview ANY of the nurses at my station. Although it would be ideal to interview the physicians who frequent at the labor and delivery department, they are all incredibly busy. Also, I work closer with the nurses than the physicians themselves, and these nurses vary from different educational backgrounds and ages and experiences. Although, I will have to find out which nurse won't be busy to interview!

BLOG N˚11 | Lesson 1 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your lesson and why? 

Definitely my hook activity! I got an audience member from the crowd and performed a pretend blood test on them. This was a great hook because the fact I'm using an audience member unexpectedly already sparks interest, but this is a skill that most people wouldn't know how to do unless you worked in a hospital like me! This was a great representation of one of the many things I worked with a lot in mentorship. I thought my hook was creative and one of a kind.

2. What assessment would you give yourself in your lesson? Explain why you earned that grade using evidence from the component contract.

I would give myself a P. My hook activity took a minute longer than stated in the contract, and even then, my hook activity was a bit rushed. My whole presentation in total was a bit rushed. I had large amounts of information and stories to tell the class, yet it was difficult to speak clearly and try to tell a story in detail under eight minutes. Also, I am a bit of a nervous speaker! However, with my personal experience and large amounts of information, I was able to explain to the class my senior project and give a good summary of what the vast field of patient care exactly is!

3. If you could go back, what would you change about your lesson? How can you use that knowledge to give a better lesson two?

I would definitely tell myself to calm down a lot more so I can speak a lot more clearly. And definitely prepare myself more with timing! Timing was probably the major issue in this lesson. In lesson two, I hope to use my time wisely and not rush or drag my information too much!