Wednesday, June 3, 2015

BLOG N˚1 | Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1. What three lessons were most helpful for you to see and why?

Elijah Garcia's editorial publishing was a great presentation first off.  What was really emphasized was the activity that was given to the audience, and this helped immensely when it came to engaging an audience and helping them learn more about the topic they are presenting. Another presentation that really emphasized the importance of the group activity is Iliana Solorzano's theater presentation. She passed around scripts and made people act them out in front of the class to help them get into the feel of theater acting in this hands on activity. Ian Kam's physical therapy presentation not only emphasized on the class activity (which was jeopardy trivia about his presentation), but he also presented a good wealth of knowledge about his topic, referencing to sources and his mentors constantly.

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

When asking multiple seniors about the senior project, I have come across lots of useful information that I was perplexed about whilst was viewing some presentations. However, the one thing I have chosen to list right now actually a piece of advice all of the seniors I have interviewed emphasized. That piece of advice would be "make sure the topic you choose is something you are honestly passionate about." They have all explained that doing work would be very painful if the topic I choose isn't something I want to put my heart into.

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

Emergency Room - My father is a nurse in the ER. It is, in my opinion, the most interesting part of the hospital and, no doubt, one of the most stressful. Working in the medical field is something I plan to pursue when I am older and the whole notion of saving people's lives is a beautiful thought. (However, I am aware it is quite difficult for a high school student to get ANY type of volunteer work in the ER due to the amount of experience and knowledge needed for the positions).

Pharmacy - Going with the whole medical field theme, pharmacy is a topic I am also interested in as well. It is a job I would very possibly would like to pursue in the future.

Dentistry - Teeth is a very vital part of human health. Working with the very people that make sure your teeth is at a healthy state is

Pediatrics - Working with children is pretty much a dream. However, being there for children who are in need of medical attention would be a definite eye opener for me. As I would love to work in the medical field and I love children, the whole idea of helping children in need is a dream job.

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this?

Emergency Room - What is the most necessary trait to providing patient care?

Pharmacy - What is the most effective way to filling prescriptions?

Dentistry - What is the most effective way to help somebody's dental health?

Pediatrics - What is the most effective way of treating a child under the age of 12?

5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

I am hoping to volunteer at my father's work which is at Queen Of The Valley Hospital in West Covina. From there, I would be able to hopefully volunteer in the Emergency Room section. Another idea I have is to volunteer at my local dentist where I will intern with my dentist.

1 comment:

  1. Madeline,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. You've got your work cut out for you trying to narrow down your topic. I look forward to talking with you more about it this year. Should be an interesting project for you.

    Mr. Holt - Physics
